PART 1 Crime Trends

Chapter 1 Penal Code Offenses

Section 1 Principal Data

Fig. 1-1-1-1Fig. 1-1-1-1 Number of reported cases, persons cleared and clearance rate for Penal Code offenses (1946-2012)

Fig. 1-1-1-2Fig. 1-1-1-2 Percent distribution of persons cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by age group (1993-2012)

Section 2 Non-traffic Penal Code offenses

1 Theft

Fig. 1-1-2-1Fig. 1-1-2-1 Theft: number of reported/cleared cases and clearance rate (1983-2012)

2 Non-traffic Penal Code offenses excluding theft

Fig. 1-1-2-2Fig. 1-1-2-2 Non-traffic Penal Code offenses exluding theft: number of reported/cleared cases and clearance rate (1993-2012)

Fig. 1-1-2-3Fig. 1-1-2-3 Major non-traffic Penal Code offenses: number of reported/cleared cases and clearance rate (1993-2012)

3 Special Fraud

Fig. 1-1-2-4Fig. 1-1-2-4 Special fraud: number of reported/cleared cases and damage caused (2008-2012)

Chapter 2 Special Act Offenses

Section 1 Principal Data

Fig. 1-2-1-1Fig. 1-2-1-1 Number of persons referred to the public prosecutors for special act offense (1993-2012)

Section 2 Major Special Act Offenses

Fig. 1-2-2-1Fig. 1-2-2-1 Major special act offenses: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)

Chapter 3 Various Types of Offenses

Section 1 Traffic Offenses

1 Trends in traffic offenses

Fig. 1-3-1-1Fig. 1-3-1-1 Traffic accidents: number of traffic accidents and persons killed/injured (1946-2012)

Fig. 1-3-1-2Fig. 1-3-1-2 Traffic-related violations: number of detected cases (1993-2012)

Section 2 Financial and Economic Offenses

1 Tax related offenses

Fig. 1-3-2-1Fig. 1-3-2-1 Violations of tax related acts: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)

2 Economic offenses

Fig. 1-3-2-2Fig. 1-3-2-2 Economic offenses: number of persons referred to the public prosecutors (2003-2012)

Fig. 1-3-2-3Fig. 1-3-2-3 Anti-trust, securities and Commercial Code violations: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)

Fig. 1-3-2-4Fig. 1-3-2-4 Investment-related violations: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)

3 Intellectual-property-related offenses

Fig. 1-3-2-5Fig. 1-3-2-5 Copyright and Trademark Act violations: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)

Section 3 Cybercrime

Table 1-3-3-1Table 1-3-3-1 Number of cleared cases for cybercrime (2008-2012)

Table 1-3-3-2Table 1-3-3-2 Number of cleared cases for offenses using cyber networks (2008-2012)

PART 2 Treatment of Offenders

Chapter 1 Overview

Fig. 2-1-1Fig. 2-1-1 Flow of Criminal Justice Procedure (adults)

1 Procedure in public prosecutors offices

2 Courts

3 Treatment in correctional institutions

4 Treatment under rehabilitation services

Chapter 2 Prosecution

Section 1 Referrals

Fig. 2-2-1-1Fig. 2-2-1-1 Percent distribution of persons newly referred to public prosecutors by type of offense (2012)

Section 2 Disposition

Fig. 2-2-2-1Fig. 2-2-2-1 Percent distribution of persons whose cases conclusively disposed of by public prosecutors by type of disposition and number of persons indicted (2003-2012)

Fig. 2-2-2-2Fig. 2-2-2-2 Number of persons prosecuted, not prosecuted, etc. by type of offense (2003-2012)

Table 2-2-2-3Table 2-2-2-3 Number of persons not prosecuted by reason (2012)

Chapter 3 Court

Section 1 Final Judgment

Table 2-3-1-1Table 2-3-1-1 Number of persons whose cases reached final judgment (2003-2012)

Section 2 Courts of First Instance

Table 2-3-2-1Table 2-3-2-1 Number of persons whose cases reached judgment in courts of first instance in a public trial by type of offense and decision (2012)

Table 2-3-2-2Table 2-3-2-2 Number of persons sentenced to imprisonment in a court of first instance (2012)

Table 2-3-2-3Table 2-3-2-3 Fines and petty fines imposed by courts of first instance and through summary procedure (2012)

Section 3 Appeals

Table 2-3-3-1Table 2-3-3-1 Number of persons whose cases were decided on appeal to a court of second instance by type of offense and judgment (2012)

Section 4 Saiban-in Trial

Table 2-3-4-1Table 2-3-4-1 Number of persons whose cases were decided in courts of first instance in Saiban-in trials by type of offense (2009-2012)

Table 2-3-4-2Table 2-3-4-2 Number of persons whose cases were decided in Saiban-in trials by type of offense and judgment (2012)

Chapter 4 Institutional Correction of Adult Offenders

Section 1 Imprisonment in a Penal Institution

1 Number of inmates in penal institutions

Fig. 2-4-1-1Fig. 2-4-1-1 Inmates in penal institutions: number and imprisonment rate (1946-2012)

2 Number of new inmates

Fig. 2-4-1-2Fig. 2-4-1-2 Number and rate per population of new inmates by gender (1993-2012)

3 Characteristics of new inmates

Fig. 2-4-1-3Fig. 2-4-1-3 Percent distribution of new inmates by gender and age group (2012)

Fig. 2-4-1-4Fig. 2-4-1-4 Percent distribution of new inmates by type of offense and gender (2012)

Section 2 Treatment of Inmates

1 Overview of treatment

Table 2-4-2-1Table 2-4-2-1 Number of inmates by treatment index code

Chapter 5 Rehabilitation Services

Section 1 Parole

1 Parole examinations

2 Number of parolees

Fig. 2-5-1-1Fig. 2-5-1-1 Number and parole rate of released inmates (1949-2012)

3 Rate of served term of imprisonment

Fig. 2-5-1-2Fig. 2-5-1-2 Percent distribution of inmates sentenced to imprisonment for a determinate term and granted release on parole by percentage of term served (1982, 1992, 2002, 2008-2012)

Section 2 Probation and Parole Supervision

1 Number of probationers and parolees

Fig. 2-5-2-1Fig. 2-5-2-1 Number of persons newly placed under probation/parole supervision and probation rate (1949-2012)

Fig. 2-5-2-2Fig. 2-5-2-2 Percent distribution of persons newly placed under probation/parole supervision by age group (2012)

2 Measures for providing treatment for probationers and parolees

Table 2-5-2-3Table 2-5-2-3 Number of probationers/parolees by major treatment categories (as of December 31, 2012)

Section 3 Volunteer Probation Officers and Halfway Houses

1 Volunteer probation officers

Fig. 2-5-3-1Fig. 2-5-3-1 Number of volunteer probation officers (VPO), percentage of female VPOs and average age (1994-2012)

Fig. 2-5-3-2Fig. 2-5-3-2 Percent distribution of volunteer probation officers (VPO) by age group and occupation (as of 1 Juanuary, 2013)

2 Halfway houses

Fig. 2-5-3-3Fig. 2-5-3-3 Number of persons newly placed in halfway houses (1993-2012)

PART 3 Trends with Juvenile Delinquencies and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents

Chapter 1 Trends in Juvenile Delinquencies

Section 1 Penal Code offenses Committed by Juveniles

1 Number of juveniles cleared

Fig. 3-1-1-1Fig. 3-1-1-1 Number and rate per population of juveniles cleared for Penal Code offenses/non-traffic Penal Code offenses (1946-2012)

2 Trends by type of delinquency

Section 2 Special Act Offenses Committed by Juveniles

1 Number of juveniles referred to public prosecutors

Fig. 3-1-2-1Fig. 3-1-2-1 Number of juveniles referred to public prosecutors for special act offenses (1956-2012)

Section 3 Pre-Delinquents

Chapter 2 Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents

Section 1 Overview

Fig. 3-2-1-1Fig. 3-2-1-1 Flow of procedure to treat juvenile delinquents

1 Procedure until referral to family courts

2 Procedure in family courts

3 Procedure of protective measures

Section 2 Referrals of Juvenile Cases to Public Prosecutors Office and Courts

1 Investigation (until referral to family courts)

Fig. 3-2-2-1Fig. 3-2-2-1 Percent distribution of juvenile offenders referred to the public prosecutors by type of offense (2012)

2 Family courts

Fig. 3-2-2-2Fig. 3-2-2-2 Number of juveniles referred to family courts for juvenile protection cases (1993-2012)

Section 3 Classification in Juvenile Classification Homes

Fig. 3-2-3-1Fig. 3-2-3-1 Number of juveniles admitted to juvenile classification homes by gender and female rate (1993-2012)

Section 4 Treatment in Juvenile Training Schools

1 Juveniles newly admitted to juvenile training schools

Fig. 3-2-4-1Fig. 3-2-4-1 Number of juveniles admitted to juvenile training schools by gender and female rate (1949-2012)

Fig. 3-2-4-2Fig. 3-2-4-2 Number of juveniles admitted to juvenile training schools and the rate per population by age group (1993-2012)

Fig. 3-2-4-3Fig. 3-2-4-3 Percent distribution of juveniles admitted to juvenile training schools by type of gender, delinquency, and age group (2012)

2 Treatment provided in juvenile training schools

Table 3-2-4-4Table 3-2-4-4 Number of juveniles admitted to juvenile training schools by type of juvenile training school and treatment program (2012)

Table 3-2-4-5Table 3-2-4-5 Number of juveniles admitted to juvenile training schools by treatment course (2012)

Section 5 Probation and Parole Supervision for Juveniles

1 Juvenile probationers and parolees

Fig. 3-2-5-1Fig. 3-2-5-1 Number of juveniles placed under probation/parole supervision (1963-2012)

2 Categorized Treatment

Table 3-2-5-2Table 3-2-5-2 Number of juvenile probationers/juvenile training school parolees by major treatment categories (as of December 31, 2012)

Chapter 3 Criminal Procedure for Juveniles

PART 4 Trends in Offenses by Specific Types of Offenders and Their Treatment

Chapter 1 Repeat Offenders

Section 1 Clearance

1 Repeat offenders cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses

Fig. 4-1-1-1Fig. 4-1-1-1 Repeat offenders cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses (1993-2012)

Fig. 4-1-1-2Fig. 4-1-1-2 Percent distribution of adults cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by history of previous conviction and type of offense (2012)

Section 2 Prosecution and Trial

1 Previously convicted persons among those prosecuted

Table 4-1-2-1Table 4-1-2-1 Number and rate of previously convicted persons prosecuted by status at the time of the offense and type of offense (2012)

Section 3 Corrections

1 Inmates reimprisoned

Fig. 4-1-3-1Fig. 4-1-3-1 Number of inmates imprisoned for the first time, reimprisoned inmates and the rate of reimprisoned inmates (total/females) (1993-2012)

2 Reimprisonment of released inmates

Fig. 4-1-3-2Fig. 4-1-3-2 Cumulative percentage of reimprisonment of released inmates by reason for release

Fig. 4-1-3-3Fig. 4-1-3-3 Cumulative percentage of reimprisonment of released inmates within 5 years by reason for release and type of offense (2008)

Fig. 4-1-3-4Fig. 4-1-3-4 Cumulative percentage of reimprisonment of released inmates by history of imprisonment

Fig. 4-1-3-5Fig. 4-1-3-5 Cumulative percentage of reimprisonment of released inmates within 2 years by the reason for release (2002-2011)

Section 4 Probation and Parole Supervision

1 Status of probationers and parolees

Fig. 4-1-4-1Fig. 4-1-4-1 Number of persons newly placed under probation/parole supervision by history of previous conviction and rate of previously convicted persons (2003-2012)

2 Violations of probation and parole

Table 4-1-4-1Table 4-1-4-2 Redisposition rate, revocation rate, etc. of persons whose probation/parole supervision terminated (2008-2012)

Chapter 2 Offenders who Belonged to Organized Crime Groups

Section 1 Trends with Organized Crime Group Members

Table 4-2-1-1Table 4-2-1-1 Number of organized crime group members (2003-2012)

Section 2 Trends in Offenses

Fig. 4-2-2-1Fig. 4-2-2-1 Number of organized crime group members cleared (1993-2012)

Chapter 3 Drug Offenders

Section 1 Trends in Offenses

1 Stimulants Control Act violations

Fig. 4-3-1-1Fig. 4-3-1-1 Stimulants Control Act violations: number of persons cleared (1993-2012)

2 Other drug-related offenses

Fig. 4-3-1-2Fig. 4-3-1-2 Stimulants Control Act violations: number of persons cleared by age group (2003-2012)

Fig. 4-3-1-3Fig. 4-3-1-3 Other drug-related acts violations: number of persons cleared (1993-2012)

Section 2 Imprisonment of Stimulant Offenders

Fig. 4-3-2-1Fig. 4-3-2-1 Stimulants Control Act violations: number of new inmates (1993-2012)

Chapter 4 Elderly Offenders

Section 1 Trends in Offenses

Fig. 4-4-1-1Fig. 4-4-1-1 Number of persons cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by age group (1993-2012)

Fig. 4-4-1-2Fig. 4-4-1-2 Rate per population of persons cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by age group (1993-2012)

Fig. 4-4-1-3Fig. 4-4-1-3 Percent distribution of elderly persons cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by gender and type of offense (2012)

Fig. 4-4-1-4Fig. 4-4-1-4 Number of elderly persons cleared by type of offense (1993-2012)

Section 2 Imprisonment of Elderly Offenders

Fig. 4-4-2-1Fig. 4-4-2-1 Number of new elderly inmates by history of imprisonment (1993-2012)

Chapter 5 Offenders with Mental Disorders

Section 1 Trends in Offenses

Table 4-5-1-1Table 4-5-1-1 Number of persons with mental disorders cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses by type of offense (2012)

Section 2 Medical Care and Treatment System for Mentally Ill

1 Hearings

Table 4-5-2-1Table 4-5-2-1 Number of persons for whom public prosecutors applied for hearings and number of persons whose cases were conclusively disposed of at district court hearings by type of designated act (2012)

PART 5 Crime Victims

Chapter 1 Official Statistics on Damage Resulting from Offenses

Section 1 Number of Cases Involving Human Victims

Fig. 5-1-1-1Fig. 5-1-1-1 Number of reported cases for non-traffic Penal Code offenses involving human victims and the victim rate by gender (2003-2012)

Section 2 Relationship between Victims and Suspects

Fig. 5-1-2-1Fig. 5-1-2-1 Percent distribution of cleared cases by relationship between victim and suspect and type of offense (2012)

Section 3 Child Victims

Fig. 5-1-3-1Fig. 5-1-3-1 Number of cases and persons cleared for cases involving child abuse by type of offense (2003-2012)

Chapter 2 Participation of Victims in the Criminal Justice Proceedings

Table 4-5-1-1Table 5-2-1 Measures for victims and witnesses at the trial stage