White paper on crime 2013 Part4/Chapter5/Section2/1
The medical care and treatment system covers [1] persons who were not prosecuted although deemed to have committed the designated acts (homicide, arson, robbery, rape, forcible indecency, including attempt at these offenses, and injury) and who were declared legally insane or of diminished capacity at the time of the act, and [2] persons found not guilty for the designated acts in the final judgment on the grounds of having been declared insane or given a mitigated sentence on the grounds of having had diminished capacity at the time of the act (excluding those sentenced to imprisonment with or without work without suspension of execution of the sentence and who have a specific term to serve). A hearing is held in principle for those under [1] or [2] upon application by public prosecutors. A conference at a district court consisting of a judge and a mental health expert (psychiatrist) is held to determine the necessity of medical treatment and the details of that treatment.
Table 4-5-2-1 shows the number of persons for whom public prosecutors applied for hearings and the number of persons whose cases were conclusively disposed of at hearings by type of designated act in 2012.
Table 4-5-2-1 Number of persons for whom public prosecutors applied for hearings and number of persons whose cases were conclusively disposed of at district court hearings by type of designated act (2012)