White paper on crime 2013 Part1/Chapter3/Section2/2
Fig. 1-3-2-2 shows the number of persons referred to public prosecutors for obstruction of execution (post judgment collection proceedings: refers to offenses stipulated in Articles 96-2, 96-3, and 96-4 of the Penal Code, obstruction of auctions and bid-rigging (refers to obstruction of auctions for public contracts stipulated in paragraph 1, Article 96-6 and bid-rigging stipulated in paragraph 2, Article 96-6 of the Penal Code, and violations of the Bankruptcy Act.
Fig. 1-3-2-2 Economic offenses: number of persons referred to the public prosecutors (2003-2012)
Fig. 1-3-2-3 shows the number of persons received by the public prosecutor for violations of the Commercial Code (prior to amendment in 2006)/Companies Act (enforced on May 1, 2006), the Anti-Monopoly Act, and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (“Securities and Exchange Act” prior to the amendment on September 30, 2007).
Fig. 1-3-2-3 Anti-trust, securities and Commercial Code violations: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)
Fig. 1-3-2-4 shows the number of persons referred to public prosecutors for violations of the Investment Act and the Money Lending Business Act (“Loan Business Control Act”, prior to an amendment enforced on December 19, 2007).
Fig. 1-3-2-4 Investment-related violations: number of persons referred to public prosecutors (2003-2012)