White paper on crime 2014 Part1/Chapter3/Section3
Table 1-3-3-1 shows the number of cleared cases for offenses involving computers or electromagnetic records(unauthorized creation or damaging of electromagnetic records, obstruction of business by damaging a computer, computer fraud, and illegal creation of unauthorized commands for electromagnetic records, etc.), offenses related to the electromagnetic records of payment cards, and Unauthorized Computer Access Act violations. See Appendix 1-8 for the dispositions by public prosecutors for the crime in this section.
Table 1-3-3-1 Number of cleared cases for cybercrime (2009-2013)
Table 1-3-3-2 shows the number of cleared cases for offenses using cyber networks (offenses using cyber networks including fraud and child prostitution cases over the internet).
Table 1-3-3-2 Number of cleared cases for offenses using cyber networks (2009-2013)