White paper on crime 2010 Part7/Chapter1/Section1/4
Table 7-1-1-8 shows the complicity rate (percentage of cases committed in complicity with someone to total cleared cases) of cases cleared for serious offenses in 2009 and those in 1999-2008 (cumulative total), whether the cases were committed by a sole adult perpetrator or in complicity with someone or by a sole juvenile perpetrator or in complicity with someone (cases committed in complicity with adults and juveniles are included in both). The complicity rate of cases committed by adults was higher for robbery and remarkably low for homicide, rape, and arson when compared with that for all non-traffic penal code offenses. The complicity rate of cases committed by juveniles was generally higher when compared with that of cases committed by adults (See Subsection 4, Section 1, Chapter 1, Part 4), with that for injury causing death and robbery in particular being extremely high at over 50%.
Table 7-1-1-8 Complicity rate of cases committed by adults/juveniles by type of offense (2009, cumulative total of 1999-2008)