White paper on crime 2012 Part4/Chapter6/Section4/2
Table 4-6-4-2 shows, with respect to probationers/parolees whose probation/parole supervision terminated within the period of 2002 through to 2011, the percentage of those that received criminal dispositions, etc. (including suspended prosecution; limited to those who received the final judgment during their probation/parole supervision period if they had been prosecuted) due to repeat offenses during their probation/parole supervision period (redisposition rate), the percentage of those who had their suspension of execution of the sentence/parole revoked due to violation of their conditions for probation/parole supervision or due to repeat offenses (revocation rate), and the percentage of those falling under either one of these cases (those falling under both categories are counted as one person) (revocation/redisposition rate).
With parolees, the revocation rate and revocation/redisposition rate were on a declining trend. With probationers, the redisposition rate, revocation rate, and revocation/redisposition rate were on a declining trend, although they all slightly rose in 2011. The redisposition rate of parolees, however, was extremely low. The primary reason for this is that although parolees who have repeated offenses are subject to criminal trials in most cases, their judgments rarely become final before the end of their parole supervision period because of the period being fairly short.
Table 4-6-4-2 Redisposition rate, revocation rate, etc. of persons whose probation/parole supervision terminated (2002-2011)
Table 4-6-4-3 shows the status of revocation of parole/suspension of execution of the sentence with probation of those who were newly placed under probation/parole supervision during the period of between 2002 and 2011.
Table 4-6-4-3 Revocation of parole/suspension of execution of the sentence with probation (2002-2011)