White paper on crime 2010 Part7/Chapter2/Section3/1
Fig. 7-2-3-1-1 shows the repeat offense rate of the research subjects by type of index offense. The repeat offense rate was high for rape and robbery but low for homicide. The rate of repeat serious offenses of the same type was high for rape, robbery, and arson. For rape approximately 16% repeated sexual offenses that included repeat offenses of a similar type (including two persons that fell under both repeat offenses of the same type and repeat serious offenses of a different type).
Fig. 7-2-3-1-1 Repeat offense rate by type of index offense
Table 7-2-3-1-2 shows the number of research subjects that repeated offenses by type of all repeat offenses (until the end of 2009)/first repeat offense and type of index offense (index offenses or repeat offenses were multiply counted in persons committing multiple offenses or repeating offenses multiple times). For homicide and injury causing death violent offenses and property offenses were commonly committed as the repeat offense. For robbery property offenses, including theft, etc., were commonly committed as the repeat offense, both of these offenses being motivated by greed. For rape, property offenses in addition to sexual offenses were commonly committed as the repeat offense. In addition to the above drug offenses were quite often committed as the repeat offense for each type, thus indicating the possibility of quite a few of them having drug related problems.
Table 7-2-3-1-2 Number of persons by type of repeat offense and type of index offense