White paper on crime 2010 Part2/Chapter3/Section2/2
Table 2-3-2-2 shows the number of persons sentenced to the death penalty or life imprisonment with work in a court of first instance by type of offense over the last 10 years. No one has been sentenced to life imprisonment without work in the last 10 years.
The death penalty sentence has been limited to homicide (excluding participation in suicide, homicide with consent, and preparation; hereinafter the same in this subsection) or robbery causing death (including homicide at the scene of a robbery) over the last 10 years. The percentage of persons sentenced to the death penalty of those convicted in 2009 was 1.1% (five persons) for homicide and 5.1% (four) for robbery causing death (Source: Annual Report of Judicial Statistics and the General Secretariat, Supreme Court).
The percentage of persons sentenced to life imprisonment with work of those convicted in 2009 was 3.9% (18 persons) for homicide and 8.1% (50) for robbery causing death or injury (including homicide at the scene of a robbery) and rape at the scene of a robbery. Persons sentenced to life imprisonment with work for other offenses in 2009 also included one person for Firearms and Swords Control Act violations (import for the purpose of profit) (Source: Annual Report of Judicial Statistics and the General Secretariat, Supreme Court).
Table 2-3-2-2 Number of persons sentenced to the death penalty or life imprisonment with work in a court of first instance by type of offense (2000-2009)
Table 2-3-2-3 shows the number of persons sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for a definite term in a court of first instance in 2009 (See Appendix 2-4 for sentencing by type of offense).
Table 2-3-2-3 Number of persons sentenced to imprisonment with or without work for a definite term in a court of first instance (2009)
Table 2-3-2-4 shows the number of persons sentenced to fine (excluding those cumulatively imposed fine and imprisonment with or without work) in a court of first instance in 2009.
Table 2-3-2-4 Number of persons sentenced to fine in a court of first instance by type of offense (2009)