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 White paper on crime 2003 Part 4/Chap.1/Sec.1/3 

3 Trends by type of offense

   Fig. 4-1-1-5 shows the percent distribution of juveniles cleared for general penal code offenses in 2002 by type of offence. The largest portion of the distribution consisted of larceny at 60.1%. Embezzlement accounted for 22.9%, the major portion of which was made up by misappropriation of lost property (almost 100%). By age group, the percentage for larceny was the highest for every age group. In particular, the percentage for juvenile offenders under 14 was 69.6%, the highest of all (see Appendix 4-3 ).

Fig. 4-1-1-5 Percent distribution of juveniles cleared for general penal code offenses, by type of offense (2002)

   Fig. 4-1-1-6 shows the trends in the number of juveniles cleared for homicide or robbery since 1946 (see Appendixes 4-3 and 4-4 for the number of juveniles cleared for major penal code offenses). The number of those cleared for homicide had remained over 100 since 1998, but was 83 in 2002. The number of those cleared for robbery was over 1,000 in 1996, and increased rapidly to 1,701 persons in 1997. After that, the number has basically remained within the range of 1,600 or over but below 1,700, and was 1,611 in 2002.

Fig. 4-1-1-6 Trends in the number of juveniles cleared for heinous offenses (1946-2002)