3 Revocation of probation of young probationers

Fig. 7-2-4-7 shows the percent distribution of young probationers whose probation terminated in 2010 by the reason for the termination and history of protective measures at the time of commencement of their probation.

By history of protective measures, the proportion of those whose probation was terminated because of revocation of suspension of execution of the sentence was the highest with those with “2 or more histories of commitment to a juvenile training school” at 60.9% (70 persons), followed by those with “1 history of commitment to a juvenile training school” at 42.5% (93), and then those with “probation” at 29.2% (87), thus indicating a trend with the proportion of revocation of suspension of execution of the sentence being higher with those with more and severe histories of protective measures (a similar trend was also observed with total probationers, but with the proportion of revocation of suspension of execution of the sentence being still slightly higher with the young probationers).

Fig. 7-2-4-7 Percent distribution of young probationers by reason for termination of probation and history of protective measures at the time of commencement of probation (2010)

Fig. 7-2-4-7