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 White paper on crime 2008 Part3/Chapter5/Section3 

Section 3  Correction

  Table 3-5-3-1 shows the cumulative percentage of inmates reimprisoned from 2002 to 2007 after their release from penal institutions in 2002.
  By reason for release, the percent ratio was higher for those released on completion of sentence than for those released on parole, and the former were reimprisoned sooner than the latter.
  Considering those inmates who were reimprisoned in 2007, the examination on the period from their previous release to their repeat offenses, which were their reimprisonment reasons, revealed that the percentage of those reimprisoned in less than one year after their release (among previous offenses for which 100 persons or more had been reimprisoned) was the highest in previous offenses of fraud at 54.4%, followed by breaking into a residence at 52.6%, theft at 50.3%, and robbery at 35.1% (see Appendix 2-9).

Table 3-5-3-1  Reimprisonment rate of released inmates by the end of each year by reason for release (year of reimprisonment, 2002–2007)

  Table 3-5-3-2 shows the cumulative percentage of inmates who were released between 1998 and 2002 and reimprisoned within five years including the year of their release. The cumulative percentage of inmates who were released on completion of sentence was at the range of 56% to 60% while that on parole was at the range of 33% to 38%.

Table 3-5-3-2  Reimprisonment rate within five years from the year of release by reason for release (year of release, 1998–2002)