White paper on crime 2018 Part2/Chapter2/Section2
Fig. 2-2-2-1[1] shows the trend of the composition ratio of types of conclusive dispositions made by public prosecutors offices (including negligent driving offenses causing death or injury and road traffic-related violations), and [2] shows the number and ratio of persons prosecuted in trial.
Fig. 2-2-2-1 Persons disposed by public prosecutors office: composition ratio of types of dispositions and number of persons prosecuted for trial, etc.
Fig. 2-2-2-2 shows the trend of the number of persons prosecuted or not prosecuted for [1] Penal Code offenses and [2] Special Acts offenses excluding road traffic-related violations.
Fig. 2-2-2-2 Persons prosecuted/not prosecuted
Table 2-2-2-3 shows the number of persons not prosecuted, by the reason of non-prosecution (excluding negligent driving offenses causing death or injury and road traffic-related violations).
Table 2-2-2-3 Persons not prosecuted (by the reason)