White paper on crime 2012 Part6/Section1/7
In response to the case of a former director-general of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, etc. being acquitted, the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office reviewed the case and a “Conference on Ideal Prosecution” was then established by the Minister of Justice to reform the prosecutory function and recover the people’s trust. Recommendations from the said Conference were then compiled in March 2011. The Minister of Justice directed the Prosecutor General to examine and implement reform measures in April the same year. In consideration of the above, public prosecutors offices formulated the “Philosophy of Prosecution” and promoted measures to reform the prosecutory function, including the establishment and activities of a technical committee for each field. The status of progress with the reform was disclosed in April 2012. Furthermore, the Minister of Justice responded to the said recommendations by requesting advice from the Legislative Council on an ideal new criminal justice system in May 2011, and the Legislative Council has been deliberating to respond.