White paper on crime 2012 Part2/Chapter6/Section2/3
The Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons was adopted by the Council of Europe in 1983 that provides for the establishment of a system to transfer sentenced foreign nationals to their home country to make them serve their sentences there. Japan acceded to the convention in 2003 (in Asia the Republic of Korea also acceded to the convention in 2005). Concerning nonmember countries of the Convention, Japan concluded a Treaty between Japan and the Kingdom of Thailand on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons and on Co-operation in the Enforcement of Sentences (came into effect in 2010) while Japan and China have also been negotiating a conclusion of a treaty regarding the transfer of sentenced persons.
Under the abovementioned treaties, which concern the transfer of sentenced persons, and based on the requirements and procedures provided in the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Act No. 66 of 2002), Japan can transfer/accept the sentenced persons to/from the countries that concluded them.
Table 2-6-2-4 shows the number of sentenced persons transferred from Japan by country where they served their sentences and type of offense in 2011. No sentenced person was transferred to Japan in 2011.
Table 2-6-2-4 Number of sentenced persons transferred from Japan by country where they served their sentences and type of offense (2011)