White paper on crime 2012 Part2/Chapter5/Section2/4
Fig. 2-5-2-6 shows the percent distribution of probationers/parolees whose probation/parole supervision terminated in 2011 by reason for termination. For 95.3% of parolees and 70.7% of probationers, their probation/parole supervision terminated upon completion of the term. In contrast, 4.2% (619 persons) of parolees had their parole revoked and 26.3% (1,012 persons) of probationers had their suspension of execution of the sentence revoked.
Fig. 2-5-2-6 Percent distribution of probationers/parolees whose probation/parole supervision terminated by reason (2011)
Examining the percentage of probationers/parolees whose probation/parole supervision was terminated due to revocation of all of those whose probation/parole supervision terminated in 2011 by their employment status at the time of the termination revealed that the percentage of those unemployed who had their suspension of execution of the sentence/parole revoked was 9.2% (1.7% of those employed) with parolees and 45.8% (12.2% (id.)) with probationers, thus indicating a remarkably high percentage when compared to those employed (Source: Annual Report of Statistics on Rehabilitation).
Fig. 2-5-2-7 shows the percent distribution of probationers/parolees by their employment status at the commencement/termination of their probation/parole supervision in 2011. Although it is rather difficult to make an exact comparison as those whose probation/parole supervision started and those whose probation/parole supervision terminated during the respective years were not necessarily the same person, the proportion of those who were employed was generally higher at the termination of their probation/parole supervision than at the commencement. However, 33.8% of parolees and 39.4% of probationers had their probation/parole supervision terminated while unemployed.
Fig. 2-5-2-7 Percent distribution of probationers/parolees by employment status at the commencement/termination of their probation/parole supervision (2011)