White paper on crime 2012 Part1/Chapter2/Section2/5
Table 1-2-2-5 shows the number of persons newly received by public prosecutors for Public Offices Election Act violations (Act No. 100 of 1950), which can significantly vary depending on the implementation status of elections, over the last 10 years (See Appendix 1-4).
Examining the number of persons referred in 2011 (1,247 persons) by type of violation revealed that “bribery, inducing by flashing advantage in interests” accounted for the majority at 1,063 (85.2%). The others included “fraudulent registration, fraudulent declarations, etc., fraudulent votes, counterfeit/manipulation of votes, or violation of entry obligation in proxy votes” at 56 persons (4.5%), “violation of restrictions on documents and drawings” at 47 (3.8%), and “illegal influence on the freedom of elections” at 31 (2.5%) (Source: Criminal Statistics by National Police Agency).
Table 1-2-2-5 Number of persons newly received by public prosecutors for Public Offices Election Act violations (2002-2011)