Section 4 Comprehensive Crime Prevention Measures Provided in Multi-agencies Approach
1 Need for cooperation among various agencies
The cause of an offense or delinquency varies depending on different factors ranging from an individual's mental and physical situation to environmental factors, such as their circumstances at home, school and work place, relationships with friends, and their surrounding community. In order to enhance the effectiveness of recidivism prevention, it is essential that supervision and support measures get consistently implemented in a comprehensive manner which suits the varying complex factors. However, there are cases where it is difficult for a single criminal justice agency to carry out the supervision and support, with it also being practically impossible for a single criminal justice agency to provide support encompassing all the varying factors. In order to prevent recidivism, there is a need to promote mutual cooperation between criminal justice agencies, as well as with public and private agencies and organizations, entities, and individuals related to employment, education, health, medical care, welfare, and other areas of concern to help in treating the offenders in close cooperation with those criminal justice agencies.