Section 4 Enforcement of the Comprehensive Legal Aid Services Act
Based on the Comprehensive Legal Aid Services Act (Act No. 74 of 2004), a juridical person, the Japan Legal Support Center (known as “Houterasu”) was established on April 10, 2006, as the core for a general support system. The Japan Legal Support Center, which has its main office in Tokyo and its branch offices in cities where the main offices of respective district courts are located, started its services on October 2, 2006.
The Japan Legal Support Center offers services through the collaboration and cooperation with related agencies and organizations, to enhance information provision contributing to effective use of the system for legal dispute resolution, services to offer legal aid for civil affairs, services concerning legal business in areas with insufficient judicial services where there are difficulties in finding lawyers, services to support crime victims, etc., and services concerning selection of court-appointed defense counsel.
Services to support crime victims include the provision of information on appropriate involvement in criminal procedures, and on systems to recover from damage or to mitigate pain, and also the introduction of the activities of crime victim support organizations, etc. or lawyers well versed in crime victim support. The number of cases in which the services were used from October 2, 2006, when its operation started, to the end of March, 2007 was 4,702 cases for counseling by telephone, 715 cases for inquiries to its local offices about crimes or criminal cases, and 97 cases for introducing lawyers well versed in crime victim support (Source: Judicial System Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Justice).
Services concerning selection of court-appointed defense counsel are such that when it is necessary to select court-appointed defense counsel for suspects or defendants, the Japan Judicial Support Center shall, upon request from the court, notify the courts, etc. of lawyers under contract to the Center as candidate court-appointed defense counsel, and have those selected as court-appointed defense counsel conduct the duties. Such services of the Center will ensure the right of suspects and defendants to receive support from lawyers in a substantial manner and contribute to the realization of enhanced and prompt criminal trials by way of establishing a system where court-appointed defense counsel can be selected promptly and securely nationwide. The number of cases which the Japan Judicial Support Center accepted for the selection of court-appointed defense counsel from October 2, 2006, when its operation started, to the end of March, 2007 was 3,436 cases for suspects, and 37,707 cases for defendants (Source: Judicial System Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Justice).