3 New treatment systems of inmates
(1) New developments concerning the treatment of sentenced inmates
The Penal and Detention Facilities Act defines a basic philosophy of inmate treatment as rehabilitation of inmates and realization of their smooth reintegration into society, and makes it clear to adopt the principle of individualization of treatment. Under this principle, the most appropriate treatment is to be provided to each inmate according to his/her disposition and environment. As the core of treatment of inmates, the idea of correctional treatment consisting of “work,” “guidance for reform,” and “guidance in school courses” was newly introduced. The Penal and Detention Facilities Act obligates sentenced inmates to receive correctional treatment of work, guidance for reform and guidance in school courses, together with the guidance upon commencement of execution of sentence and guidance prior to release, and correctional treatment is now clearly defined in the legal system.
(2) New treatment systems
Based on the principle of individualization of treatment, correctional treatment is implemented according to treatment guidelines created for respective sentenced inmates (see this Chapter, Section 2, 1). In addition, new systems were introduced for treatment programs for sentenced inmates' rehabilitation in order to further enhance inmate treatment.
a. Special rehabilitation guidance
General rehabilitation guidance and special rehabilitation guidance were established for guidance for reform (see this Chapter, Section 2, 3).
The following six types are carried out as special rehabilitation guidance: “guidance for withdrawing from drug dependency” (prompting inmates to think about specific methods of not using drugs again after making them understand their own problems concerning drug use, etc. ), “guidance for breaking away from Boryokudan” (providing guidance, etc. which prompt inmates to realize the anti-social side of Boryokudan groups under the collaboration with the police, and aiming to foster the will to break away from such groups), “guidance for preventing repeat sexual offenses” (prompting inmates to realize their own problems which lead to a sexual offense, and prompting them to learn specific methods of not committing a repeat offense, etc. see Part 7, chapter 5, Section2, 3), “education from victims' viewpoints” (prompting inmates to realize the seriousness of their offense and the feelings of victims, etc., and prompting them to think about how to sincerely deal with them, etc.), “guidance for traffic safety” (prompting inmates to be aware of the responsibility and obligation of a driver, and prompting them to realize the seriousness of their offense, etc.), and “guidance supporting employment” (aiming to make inmates learn basic skills and manners necessary for working life, and making specific efforts toward employment after release, etc.)
In 2007, among the penal institutions across the nation, the institutions that carry out special guidance are as follows: 1) “guidance for withdrawing from drug dependency” in 72 institutions, 2) “guidance for breaking away from Boryokudan” in 35 institutions, 3) “guidance for preventing repeat sexual offenses” in 20 institutions, 4) “education from victims' viewpoints” in 73 institutions, 5) “guidance for traffic safety” in 46 institutions, and 6) “guidance supporting employment” in 42 institutions.
b. Outside work with commute travels
Outside work with commute travels is implemented for inmates imprisoned with or without work who meet certain requirements, such as receiving treatment in an open facility, so that smooth reintegration into society can be realized (see this Chapter, Section 2, 2).
Through such work, those inmates are expected to obtain skills that they would never be able to obtain only by engaging in work at penal institutions, and learn ways to form proper relationships in general society.
c. Day leave and furlough
Day leave and furlough is a system to allow inmates who meet certain requirements, such as receiving treatment in an open facility, to temporarily go outside penal institutions without being accompanied by institution staff when they need to do certain businesses.
Day leave should be a one-day trip and furlough should be within seven days. Certain businesses include cases where it is necessary to have talks with a person outside institutions for hours so as to ensure a dwelling place or working place after release or maintain or arrange family relationships, or cases where it is necessary to visit a volunteer probation officer or others related to rehabilitation.
This system is expected to contribute to the rehabilitation of inmates by providing them with opportunities to get ready for smooth transition to life after release.
d. Alleviation of restriction and privilege measures
The Progressive Treatment System which was conducted under the Prison Act was abolished and the system for easing of restrictions and preferential measures was newly adopted.
Alleviation of restrictions is the system to gradually ease restrictions on inmates' daily life and actions to prompt them to acquire spontaneity and autonomy, according to their achievements in serving their sentence. As of April 10, 2007, the number of inmates under restriction-type one who could be treated off the lock at penal institutions nationwide was 595 (Source: The Correction Bureau, Ministry of Justice).
Privilege measures aim to encourage inmates to make further efforts for their own reform/rehabilitation by granting better deals to inmates who are leading a sober life, such as increasing the times of external communications or expanding the scope of articles they can use to their cost according to their attitude for a relatively short period of time.