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 White paper on crime 2006 Part 4/Chapter 1/Section 5/1 

Section 5  Delinquency at Home and School

1 Juvenile violence in families

  Fig. 4-1-5-1 shows the trend of juvenile violence in family since 1996 by their educational and employment situation.
  The number of reported cases of juvenile violence in family declined after hitting a peak at 1,397 cases in 1983, but increased significantly in 2000 and has been over 1,000 cases ever since. The number increased by 7.5% from the previous year to 1,275 cases in 2005.

Fig. 4-1-5-1  Reported cases of juvenile violence in family by their educational and employment situation (1996-2005)

  As the targets of family violence in 2005, mothers were the most frequent, accounting for 773 cases (60.6%), followed by material objects (family property etc.) for 188 cases (14.7%), relatives in the same household for 117 cases (9.2%), fathers for 111 cases (8.7%), siblings for 68 cases (5.3%), and others for 18 cases (1.4%) (Source: The Community Safety Bureau, National Police Agency).