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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter4/Section3/1 

Section3 Classification at Juvenile Classificati on Homes

1 Outline of juvenile classification homes

  A juvenile classification home is mainly designed to admit juveniles who have received a decision of protective detention for juveniles and to perform classification on their predispositions based on expertise in medicine,psychology,pedagogy,sociology,and other academic fields for investigation and a hearing conducted by a family court.
  As of April1,2005,52juvenile classification homes are in place nationwide.
  Each home has a general affairs section and a Principal Specialist under its director,and some large homes also have a vice-director and a medical section.A Principal Specialist is the head of the classification department,which directly conducts classification,and is supported by two to four Chief Specialists according to the scale of the home.A classification department consists of officers in charge of classification and officers in charge of protective detention.Juvenile classification homes are relatively small and33(63.5%)out of52have less than20staff officials(Source:The Correction Bureau,Ministry of Justice).In these small homes,staff officials of the general affairs section and those in charge of classification take turns engaging in the treatment of accommodated juveniles,such as working on watch or attending family courts,etc.