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 White paper on crime 2005 Part1/Chapter4/Section6/3 

3 Previously convicted persons among those prosecuted

  Among the persons prosecuted(excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents,violations of road traffic related laws,and juridical persons;hereinafter the same in this subsection)by type of major offense in2004, Table1-4-6-4 shows the number of persons previously convicted(those previously sentenced to the death penalty,imprisonment,or fine by final judgment;hereinafter the same in this subsection),their proportion(proportion of persons previously convicted to all persons prosecuted;hereinafter the same in this subsection),and their status at the time of their offenses(under suspension of execution of sentence,on parole,or on bail).

Table1-4-6-4  Number of prosecuted persons who had previously been convicted,their proportion to all prosecuted persons and their status at the time of their offense,by type of major offense(2004)