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 White paper on crime 2002 Part 5/Chap.2/Sec.4/3 

3 Trends of offenses by females

  This subsection overviews the trends of homicide and the 9 types of violent offenses committed by females during the period from 1974 to 2001. The number of females cleared surged upwards from 1981 to 1986, within the range between about 4,000 and 5,000. The number decreased since then but started to increase again in 1996. In 2001, the number increased by 447 (up by 9.8%) from the previous year to 5,016.
  By type of offense, the number of females cleared was the largest for bodily injury every year. In 2001, the number reached 2,398, hitting a record high level in the period of the past twenty years. Following bodily injury, the number of females cleared was large for extortion and assault, in that order.
   Fig. 5-2-4-4 shows the rate of females to the number of persons cleared for homicide and the 9 types of violent offenses. The female rate was the highest for homicide. By type of offense, the female rate seems to be on the rise on a long-term basis for bodily injury, breaking and entering, intimidation, and destruction of objects.
  Generally, there is an upward trend in the female rate for the 9 types of violent offense along with the rapid increase in the number of reported cases.

Fig. 5-2-4-4 Trends in the female rate to the number of persons cleared, by type of offense (1974-2001)