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 White paper on crime 2002 Part 4/Chap.1/Sec.1/2 

2 Trends by age group and gender

   Fig. 4-1-1-3 shows the trends in the number of juveniles cleared for penal code offenses excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents by age group since 1966 (see Appendix 4-2 ).

Fig. 4-1-1-3 Trends in rate per population of juveniles cleared for penal code offenses excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents by age group (1966-2001)

  The rates per population for the number of juveniles cleared for penal code offenses by age group increased continuously for 3 years from 1996 for every age group. However, the rates went on a downward trend in 1999, and 2000, before showing an upward trend again for every age group in 2001.
   Fig. 4-1-1-4 shows the trends in female rate. The female rate has generally showed an upward trend since 1993. It decreased once in 1999 but rose again in 2001, from 22.4% to 23.8%.

Fig. 4-1-1-4 Trends in number of juveniles cleared for penal code offenses by sex excluding professional negligence in traffic accidents, and female ratio of juveniles to all persons cleared (1966-2001)