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 White paper on crime 2002 Part 3/Chap.3/Sec.1/3 

3 Result of survey

(1) Actual situations relating to the fear of crime

  In this survey, regarding the fear of crime, the following 3 questions were given:
1. "How safe do you feel walking alone in your area after dark? " (hereinafter referred to as "Fear of Walking Alone in the Area of Residence after Dark")
2. "How safe do you feel when you are at home alone after dark?" (hereinafter referred to as "Fear of Being at Home Alone after Dark")
3. "What would you say are the chances that over the next 12 months someone will try to break into your home? Do you think this is very likely, likely or not likely?" (hereinafter referred to as "Fear of Someone's Breaking into Home")
  Regarding the "Fear of Walking Alone in the Area of Residence after Dark," as shown in Fig. 3-3-1-1 , about 80% of respondents answered "very safe," or "fairly safe." Hence, most answered that they felt safe. Regarding the "Fear of Being at Home Alone after Dark," as shown in Fig. 3-3-1-2 , more than 90% of the respondents answered "very safe," or "fairly safe." Regarding the "Fear of Someone's Breaking into Home," as shown in Fig. 3-3-1-3 , about 50% of the respondents answered that it was "not likely" that someone would break into home. More than 30% of respondents answered that it was "likely" that someone would break into their home. It is pointed that there are more people who feel unsafe about this than the previous 2 issues.

Fig. 3-3-1-1 Fear of walking alone in the area of residence after dark

Fig. 3-3-1-2 Fear of being at home alone after dark

Fig. 3-3-1-3 Fear of someone breaking into home

(2) Current status relating to crime prevention awareness

  Regarding crime prevention awareness, this survey put a question about the security measures. "Could I ask you about the security of your home/residence? Is your own home/residence protected by the following items?" The items included dog that would detect a burglar, neighborhood watch scheme, special window/door grilles, burglar alarm, caretaker or security guard, high fence etc. The response to the question is shown in Fig. 3-3-1-4 .
  The most popular answer for the security measures for home/residence in Japan is "dog that would detect a burglar". This was followed by "neighborhood watch scheme" and "special door locks". Respondents chose all types of the applied security measures, and the average number of the security measures for home/residence was 0.6.

Fig. 3-3-1-4 Security measures for home/residence