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 White paper on crime 2000 Part3/Chap.1/Sec.4/3 

3 Family and delinquency

  Fig. III-17 shows juvenile domestic violence in the last ten years, by educational and employment situation.
  Juvenile domestic violence has been on an upward trend since 1995,standing at931cases in1999(down6.9%from the previous year). By educational and employment situation, domestic violence by junior high school pupils was most rampant in each of those years.
  In1999,the mother was the most frequent object of domestic violence, accounting for541cases(58.1%). This was followed by cohabitant relatives with150cases(16.1%), material objects(family property, etc. )with108cases(11.6%), the father with87cases(9.3%), siblings with36cases(3.9%)and others with9cases(1.0%)(source:Living Safety Bureau, National Police Agency).

Fig. III-17 Juvenile Domestic Violence, by Educational and Employment Situation(1990-1999)