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 White paper on crime 2000 Part3/Chap.1/Sec.4/2 

2 Group delinquency

  Fig. III-15 shows the number of accomplices in juvenile penal code offense cases cleared in1999,by category of offense. The ratio of complicity cases was largest for robbery(75.1%), followed by extortion(62.9%)and bodily injury(48.2%). In each of these offenses, the ratio of complicity cases was much larger than for adults(23.1%for robbery,39.3%for extortion and14.3%for bodily injury).

Fig. III-15 Number of Accomplices in Juvenile Penal Code Offense Cases Cleared other than Traffic Professional Negligence, by Offense(1999)

  A typical juvenile delinquent group is that of hot-rodders. Fig. III-16 shows the membership and number of hot-rodder groups in the last ten years.

Fig. III-16 Trends in Membership and Number of Hot-Rodder Groups(1990-1999)

  Membership has decreased constantly, numbering23,704in1999(down7.7%from the previous year). Meanwhile, the number of groups has been on an upward trend, rising to1,132in1999(up7.5%). The ratio of groups with30or more members fell from21.3%in1990to6.8%in1999,pointing to a proliferation of smaller groups(source:Traffic Bureau, National Police Agency).