Section 2 Enhanced Treatment for Juvenile Delinquents/Young Offenders

1 Treatment to develop greater moral awareness, to raise their motivation to be rehabilitated, and to correct dispositional problems

Helping juveniles/young offenders honestly face up to the offenses they committed, understand the pain of the victims and their families, develop greater moral awareness of the need to comply with social rules, and develop awareness and responsibility on being a member of society, and recognizing their efforts to overcome difficulties and to be rehabilitated and then helping them raise their motivation to be rehabilitated and correct their living base are all important issues in preventing repeat delinquencies and offenses.

The survey revealed that juveniles who repeatedly violated the discipline in the treatment in juvenile training schools (Fig. 7-3-3-1-4), and whose protective measure was revoked because of repeat delinquencies during their parole supervision period (Fig. 7-3-3-1-10), thus, who were considered to hold the problems of a lack of moral awareness or motivation to be rehabilitated, were more likely to receive subsequent criminal sanction. In addition, the survey of the attitudes revealed the recognition of significance of the dispositions affects the attitudes toward rehabilitation with juveniles and those with single history of protective measure or criminal punishment. It also revealed that many young offenders with a history of probation while juveniles or dispositions of fine or imprisonment with suspension of execution of the sentence considered these dispositions rather light and many of them did not have sufficient attitudes toward rehabilitation (Fig. 7-4-3-6). It should be noted that the redisposition rate was relatively high with young probationers (Table 7-2-5-7).

In order to prevent their repeating offenses and lead them to reformation/rehabilitation, working to help them sufficiently understand the level and meaning of the dispositions and impress these on them at the time of the decision of a disposition and at the introduction of treatment, and effectively utilizing the system of probation/parole supervision to maintain their motivation to be rehabilitated are therefore needed.

Many juvenile delinquents and young offenders did not establish basic life styles or had problematic life attitudes, with many of them then developing/worsening the problems of association with delinquent friends, not working (idling time away), and drug use, etc. while living an unsound/unstable life. Their treatment therefore needs to help them acquire the basics of living, an healthy life as a member of society, including a diligent living attitude, sound sense when spending money, a steady life plan for the future, etc., and to improve their interpersonal relationships, which will be the basis of a smooth social life. For these goals, intensive guidance to improve their social basic skills through utilizing SST (Social Skills Training), and while also strengthening the system in thereby providing them with continuous guidance/advice by probation services, including volunteer probation officers and private rehabilitation service organizations are needed.