3 Problems during the transition period from juveniles to young people

The rate per population of those cleared was generally higher with young people than with adults of the other age groups (Fig. 7-2-1-1-9, Fig. 7-2-1-1-10), and the survey at Chapter 3 revealed that those who committed their first offense after discharge from juvenile training school at age 20 accounted for the largest number, and it was within the first quarter of their twenties for approximately 80% of those who received criminal punishment for their first offense (Fig. 7-3-2-5). In addition, 37.5% of the research subjects that received criminal punishment received it twice or more before reaching age 25 (Fig. 7-3-2-2), thus indicating a considerable number of young offenders repeat criminal conduct within a short period of time before reaching age 25. Similarly approximately 40% of those that were sentenced to imprisonment with suspension of execution of the sentence without probation and over 50% of those with probation repeated offenses before reaching age 25 (Fig. 7-3-2-4). This means that taking measures to prevent offenses within the first few years after becoming adults is particularly important.