White Paper on Crime 2022 Part5/Chapter3/Section2
In this Section, the rate of reimprisonment means the percentage of inmates reimprisoned to serve sentences for offenses committed after release among the released sentenced inmates of a given year.
Fig. 5-3-2-1 shows the rate of reimprisonment within the period of five and 10 years after the release of sentenced inmates released in [1] 2017 and [2] 2012 by reason for the previous release (either released upon completion of the term or released on parole; hereinafter the same applies in this Section).
Fig. 5-3-2-1 Rate of reimprisonment of released sentenced inmates by reason for previous release
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Fig. 5-3-2-2 shows the rate of reimprisonment within the period of five and 10 years after the release of sentenced inmates released in [1] 2017 and [2] 2012, by the number of time(s) the sentenced inmate had been imprisoned at the point of previous imprisonment.
Fig. 5-3-2-2 Rate of reimprisonment of released sentenced inmates by number of time(s) imprisoned
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Fig. 5-3-2-3 shows the rate of reimprisonment within the period of five years after the release of sentenced inmates released in 2017, by reason for the previous release and type of offense.
Fig. 5-3-2-3 Rate of reimprisonment of released sentenced inmates within five years after release by reason for the previous release (by type of offense)
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Fig. 5-3-2-4 shows the trend in the rate of reimprisonment within the period of [1] two years and [2] five years after release, by reason for the previous release.
Fig. 5-3-2-4 Rate of reimprisonment of released sentenced inmates by reason for previous release
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Fig. 5-3-2-5 shows the trend in the rate of reimprisonment within the period of two years after release during the years of 2001 -2020, [1] by male/female, [2] by age group and [3] by type of offense.
Fig. 5-3-2-5 Rate of reimprisonment of released sentenced inmates within two years after release, by male/female, age group, and type of offense