3 Offenses related to new psychoactive substances

Table 7-1-1-4 shows the trend in the number of persons cleared (limited to those cleared by the police) for offenses related to New Psychoactive Substances (substances produced to have chemical structure and pharmacological effects similar to controlled substances (stimulants, cannabis, narcotics and psychotropics, opium and opium poppies) or designated substances (designation under Article 2, Paragraph (15) of the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Act No. 145 of 1960)); they include substances falsely presented as not containing controlled/designated substances), by type of law and regulation since 2009, which is the period statistical materials are available.

Table 7-1-1-4 New psychoactive substances: cleared persons by type of regulation

Table 7-1-1-4

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