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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter5/Section5/3 

3 Implementation of probationary supervision

(1) Classification when probationary supervision started

  We examined classification,categories,and special parole conditions of probation office survey object person at the time when their probationary supervision started.

a. Classification under the Classification Treatment System

  Under the Classification Treatment System,probationers and parolees are classified into Class A or Class B according to the expected level of difficulty in treating them(as for the Classification Treatment System,see Part2,Chapter5,Section3-4(1) and Chapter4,Section6-2(7) of this Part).
  Table4-5-5-4 shows classification of83probation office survey object person,excluding three juveniles who committed unsafe driving resulting in death(traffic offenders are out of the classification system).

Table4-5-5-4  Classification of probation office survey object person

  Among probation office survey object person,16.7%of juvenile probationers and35.1%of juvenile parolees were classified into Class A.The"Class A"percentage among overall probationers/parolees nationwide as of December31,2004was5.3%for juvenile probationers and20.7%for juvenile parolees.Compared with these figures,the percentage of those classified as being difficult to treat was higher for probation office survey object person.
  There were26Class A probation office survey object person,but only one was classified into Class A due to rating by prescribed items.The other25did not fall in Class A in rating,but were determined as so by clinical findings by probation officers.The major reasons for this judgment were"the case was very serious,drawing peoples'attention"and"the bereaved family holds extremely bad feelings towards the object person."

b. Categorization under the Categorized Treatment System

  Table4-5-5-5 shows the number and percentage of probation office survey object person categorized into each category.
  Those in the hot rodders category were the largest in number with19(22.1%),and all were Group Type juvenile offenders who killed the victims in group(as for the Categorized Treatment System,see Part2,Chapter5,Section3-4(2) and Chapter4,Section6-2(8)of this Part ).

Table4-5-5-5  Categories of probation office survey object person

c. Special parole conditions

  Fig.4-5-5-6 shows the contents of special parole conditions of probation office survey object person(as for matters to be complied with,see Part2,Chapter5,Section3-1(2) ).

Fig.4-5-5-6  Contents of special parole conditions

(2) Situation of progress after commencement of probationary supervision

  The terms of probationary supervision for86probation office survey object person varied from two months at the shortest to three years and three months at the longest.Among these,we analyzed73juveniles who had terminated supervision or had been under supervision for six months at the time of the survey.
  Fig.4-5-5-7 shows their conduct during supervision and whether they recommitted offenses.

Fig.4-5-5-7  Situation of achievement and re-offense during probationary supervision

  Comprehensively,regarding juveniles'achievements during supervision period,64.4%of them were evaluated as"generally good"and11.0%of them as"improved to a better level after passage of time."
  In contrast,8.2%of juveniles re-offended,such as unlicensed driving and speeding.