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 White paper on crime 2004 Part2/Chapter3/Section3/3. 

3. Imprisonment with or without laborf or al imited term

  As shown in Appendix2-4 ,among the defendants sentenced to imprisonment with or without labor for a limited term by district courts in2003,most of them were sentenced to one year or more but less than two years,accounting for42.8%of the total,followed by two years or more but three years or less(30.3%),six months or more but less than one year(14.4%),three years or more but five years or less(5.0%),and less than six months(4.8%).Only1,969defendants(2.5%)were sentenced to imprisonment for more than five years.Among them,372were sentenced to more than10years,177of which were for homicide and105for robbery resulting in death/injury and rape on the occasion of robbery.