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 White paper on crime 2000 Part3/Chap.2/Sec.4/4 

4 Treatment in juvenile training schools

(1) Basics of treatment
  Three treatment courses are provided in short-term treatment:academic education, vocational guidance and guidance counseling. Long-term treatment has five courses:living guidance, vocational resource development, academic education, special education and medical care. Juvenile training schools specialized in either type of treatment are designated by each of the eight regional correction headquarters nationwide.
  In chronological order from admission to release, treatment in juvenile training schools is classified into three phases:initial education, intermediate education and education in preparation for discharge. For individual juveniles, the treatment proceeds in four stages according to their improvement, progress, etc. , from lower second grade at the time of admission, to upper second grade, lower first grade and then upper first grade.
(2) Flow of treatment
  A flowchart of treatment in juvenile training schools is shown in Fig. III-49. a. Initial education phase
  In the phase of initial education directly following admission, a medical checkup and guidance for understanding of life in the juvenile training school are conducted to identify the characteristics and educational needs of newly admitted juveniles, as well as to ensure a smooth transition to correctional education. Various investigations are also undertaken about personal affairs including the environment, history, educational level and skills of newly admitted juveniles. After this, treatment plans for individual juveniles are prepared following discussion by a Treatment Review Board, consisting of the superintendent and related officers of the juvenile training school.

Fig. III-49 Flowchart of Treatment in Juvenile Training Schools

  Individual treatment plans thus prepared identify problems in the treatment of individual juveniles, individual goals of education to be attained before release, goals to be attained in each phase of education, concrete contents and methodology of education, etc. These treatment plans are not fixed, but are revised and modified as necessary.
The initial education phase continues for about a month before transition to the phase of intermediate education.
b. Intermediate education phase
  Based on the result of the initial education phase, correctional education to meet the characteristics and educational needs of juveniles is imparted in the phase of intermediate education.
[1]Living guidance
  Living guidance aims to improve the individual problems of trainees, as well as to develop healthy attitudes, ideas and behavior. Principal activities include(i)guidance on problematic behavior, (ii)therapeutic education, (iii)cultivation of aesthetic sensitivity, (iv)basic training on living, (v)coordination and guidance related to protection, and(vi)guidance counseling. Above all, guidance on problematic behavior focuses on issues of awareness, attitude and behavior related to delinquency. Guidance on specific problems deals with drugs, traffic, family, association with delinquent peers, etc. , and includes group discussions as well as the use of audio-visual materials. Since many trainees have problems related to the family environment, the adjustment of family relationships is pursued through meetings with parents, meetings between parents, and other forms of guidance involving guardians, as well as through events involving the participation of family members.
[2]Vocational training and guidance
  Vocational training and guidance aims to raise working morale and impart vocational knowledge and skills. Activities include(i)vocational orientation centered on practical training in production and skills, (ii)vocational training based on related laws and regulations including the Law for the Promotion of Human Resource Development, and(iii)outside vocational guidance undertaken by external business entities.
  As of April1,2000,21subjects of vocational guidance were taught in juvenile training schools, including woodwork, welding, agriculture and horticulture for males, and reception services, office work/word-processing and nursing care services for females(source:Correction Bureau, Ministry of Justice).
  1,950of those released in1999obtained qualifications or licenses related to the vocational guidance received in juvenile training schools. The composition of the qualifications and licenses obtained is shown in Fig. III-50. The ratio of those who obtained qualifications and licenses related to vocational guidance to the total number of persons released from juvenile training schools in1999stood at34.5%for males and53.0%for females.
  Outside vocational guidance covers a variety of subjects such as assistance in elderly nursing care and supermarket employees.546(10.1%)of those released from juvenile training schools in1999received external training.

Fig. III-50 Ratios of Persons Released from Juvenile Training School, by Type of Qualification or License Obtained(1999)

[3]Academic education
  Those who have not completed compulsory education are placed in the academic education course, where they receive general education based on the junior high school course of study. Consideration is also given to a smooth return to ordinary school and the choice of subsequent education or employment, through guidance on entrance examinations in light of future career prospects, for example. Mainly juveniles under special short-term treatment attend their original junior or senior high schools from home after a short period of institutional education. These trainees only return to juvenile training school at weekends.
  Of those who were discharged from juvenile training schools in1999,105returned to junior high schools and114went back to senior high schools. In the same year,362persons received certificates of junior high school education while in juvenile training school, and two persons obtained senior high school diplomas.
  Those in need of senior high school education are transferred to schools with correspondence course programs. Those who wish to enter institutions of higher education are given opportunities to take the test for certification of university entrance qualification organized by the Ministry of Education, through supplementary classes tailored to the needs of individual trainees.
  Those in need of knowledge other than school education receive social correspondence course programs accredited by the Ministry of Education in auto mechanics, electrical engineering, calligraphy/penmanship, etc.
[4]Health and physical education
  In recognition of the importance of health and physical education, juvenile training schools emphasize the restoration and improvement of physical and mental health. Health education provides guidance on health care and disease prevention, among others, whereas physical education aims at health maintenance and the upgrading of basic physical abilities through sports such as volleyball, swimming and kendo.
[5]Special activities
  Special activities, conducted mainly in groups according to general educational needs common to the trainees, include(i)voluntary activities, (ii)outside educational activities, (iii)club activities, (iv)recreation and(v)events. Special activities assume a critical role of enriching life in juvenile training schools, making use of leisure hours and providing opportunities for various experiences.
  Of those discharged in1999,4,448(82.5%)had left the schools for outside activities, and331(6.1%)had spent a night away from the schools for such activities(source:Annual Report of Statistics on Correction).
c. Education in preparation for discharge
  Juveniles who have reached the upper first grade progress from intermediate education to the phase of education in preparation for discharge. For these juveniles, a request for release on parole is submitted by the superintendent of the juvenile training school to the respective Regional Parole Board. In the phase of education in preparation for discharge, thorough guidance counseling is provided according to the needs of individual trainees concerned, in order to ensure a smooth transition to social life. Such meticulous guidance counseling activities include concrete guidance on job seeking for those wishing to be employed, guidance on and temporary release for entrance examinations for those wishing to proceed to higher levels of education, and information for those who have not decided on their subsequent education or career. In particular, training for the improvement of social adaptability using role-playing, group discussion, etc. , is actively undertaken so that the juveniles may learn how to respond to critical circumstances that they might have to face after discharge.
(3)Medical care and meals
  Those who require special or long-term medical care are admitted to medical schools. Those in need of other types of medical care receive treatment from doctors of individual juvenile training schools. If it is impossible to provide appropriate medical care in the schools, however, trainees receive treatment in proper hospitals outside the schools as outpatients or by hospitalization.
  1,615(30.0%)of those discharged from juvenile training schools in1999have received some kind of medical treatment in hospital rooms, including those who have received long-term treatment in medical juvenile training schools. Most of them were cured in short periods of time.
  In light of the recent dietary standard of the population in general and expertise on nutrition daily meals, an intake of2,830kcal per person for males and2,400kcal per person for females is assured, effective from April1,2000. Supplementary food expenses are fixed at¥501.21per person.
  Clothes, bedding and other supplies necessary for daily life are lent or provided by juvenile training schools. The use of personal belongings is allowed, provided that they present no harm to discipline or health.
(4)Cooperation with private sector
  Education in juvenile training schools is imparted in cooperation with private volunteers in various aspects of living guidance, vocational guidance, academic education, health/physical education and special activities. Such cooperation includes consultation conducted by volunteer visitors for inmates and chaplains.
  Juvenile training schools had780volunteer visitors for inmates as of December31,1999,conducting a total of14,782sessions of consultation in1999. Such interviews took various forms, such as advice on mental problems and cultural guidance. As of the same date, juvenile training schools had349chaplains, who conducted a total of3,811meetings for religious services. Such services mostly took the form of individual consultation requested by trainees(source:Correction Bureau, Ministry of Justice).