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 White paper on crime 2000 Part2/Chap.4/Sec.3/2 

2 Treatment on admission

(1)Survey on admission
  When execution of sentence commences for an inmate, a classification survey is carried out alongside guidance and training. Based on the result of this, the inmate's allocation category(a classification grade providing a standard for categorizing accommodation facilities or divisions within facilities)and treatment classification grade(providing a standard for categorizing the priority directions of treatment)are decided, and the allocation facilities are decided.
  Table II-17 shows the number of inmates in each allocation category and the respective ratios thereof, as of December 31st, 1999. The largest category was Grade B(offenders with a strong criminal tendency), containing 23,046 inmates (50.8%).
  As one aspect of measures designed to enhance classification surveys and the classification treatment system, facilities to function as classification centers have been designated for each Regional Correction Headquarters. These are the Nagoya, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Miyagi, Sapporo, and Takamatsu Prisons, the Kawagoe Juvenile Prison, and the Osaka Detention House.

Table II-17 Number of inmates by allocation category

(2)Guidance and training on commencement of the sentence
  The period of guidance and training on commencement of the sentence is generally around 2 weeks. During this time, attempts are made to give newly imprisoned offenders psychological stability and a motivation to reform and rehabilitate themselves. Meanwhile, they are also given orientation on the meaning of their sentence, the purpose, system, and nature of their treatment, and other matters, as well as training needed for communal life. The aim of these is to help the inmates understand the ways of life and behavior inside the institution, as well as the nature of their treatment.