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 White paper on crime 2000 Part2/Chap.3/Sec.4 

Section 4 Length of Trials

  Fig. II-7 shows the length of trials of the first instance and Fig. II-8 the total length of trials from the point of indictment until final adjudication in 1998.

Fig. II-7 Ratios of trials of the first instance, by length of trial (1998)

Fig. II-8 Ratios of public trials, by length of trial from indictment to final adjudication (1998)

  73.6% of trials in district and family courts and 88.9% of those in summary courts lasted 3 months or less. The total length of trials was 1 year or less in 78.5% of cases finally adjudicated by koso appeal, while 79.3% of cases finally adjudicated by jokoku appeal lasted 2 years or less.