1 Theft
2 Non-traffic Penal Code offenses excluding theft
3 Intellectual-property-related offenses
1 Procedure in public prosecutors offices
2 Courts
3 Treatment in correctional institutions
4 Treatment under rehabilitation services
1 Number of inmates in penal institutions
3 Characteristics of new inmates
3 Rate of served term of imprisonment
1 Number of probationers and parolees
2 Measures for providing treatment for probationers and parolees
1 Volunteer probation officers
2 Trends by type of delinquency
1 Number of juveniles referred to public prosecutors
1 Procedure until referral to family courts
3 Procedure of protective measures
1 Investigation (until referral to family courts)
1 Juveniles newly admitted to juvenile training schools
2 Treatment provided in juvenile training schools
1 Juvenile probationers and parolees
1 Repeat offenders cleared for non-traffic Penal Code offenses
1 Previously convicted persons among those prosecuted
2 Reimprisonment of released inmates
1 Status of probationers and parolees
2 Violations of probation and parole
1 Stimulants Control Act violations
1 Hearings