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 White paper on crime 2009 Part7/Chapter4/Section2/1 

1 Further enhancement of treatment for preventing repeat offenses

(1) Treatment programs for inmates

  In order to further promote the reformation/rehabilitation of inmates with drug/alcohol dependencies, with the aims of enhancing both the guidance for overcoming drug addiction and the traffic safety guidance within the special guidance for reform, the Correction Bureau of the Ministry of Justice held a discussion meeting in cooperation with external experts in FY 2009. Progress has been made in the development of treatment programs introducing the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy.

(2) Treatment programs for probationers/parolees

  In order to facilitate the reformation/rehabilitation of probationers/parolees with problematic drinking behavior, the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice is planning to develop programs to provide treatment according to the particular problem by introducing the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.

(3) Enhancement/strengthening of the classification of predisposition and correctional education

  In order to contribute to the classification of the predispositions of juveniles in juvenile classification homes, the Correction Bureau of the Ministry of Justice has started developing an effective assessment method for identifying the risk of repeat delinquencies and the educational needs of juveniles (so-called risk assessment tool) to be used in that classification. In addition, there has been discussion to implement guidance, etc. in accordance with the level of the risk of repeat delinquencies of the respective juveniles in juvenile training schools by utilizing such new assessment method.