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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter6/Section4/1 

Section4 United States of America

1 Trend of juvenile delinquency

  Fig.4-6-4-1 shows the number of arrests for major crimes(murder and non-negligent manslaughter;forcible rape;robbery;aggravated assault;burglary,larceny-theft,motor vehicle theft;and arson;the same applies hereafter in this section)separately for juveniles,juveniles and senior juveniles,and adults over the last ten years.

Fig.4-6-4-1  Trends in the number of persons arrested for major crimes separately for juveniles,juveniles and senior juveniles,and adults(United States of America)

  Table4-6-4-2 shows the number of arrests for major crimes and the designated five types of crime separately for juveniles,senior juveniles,and adults and the ratio to the population over the last ten years.

Table4-6-4-2  Number of arrests and their population ratio for major crimes/designated five types of crime for juveniles,senior juveniles,and adults(United States of America)