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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter6/Section2/1 

Section2 Germany

1 Trend of juvenile delinquency

  In Germany,under the criminal law,persons who are14or over to under the age of18when the act was committed are considered as juveniles(Jugendlicher),and those who are18or over to under the age of21when the act was committed are considered as senior juveniles(Heranwachsender).Under certain conditions not only juveniles but senior juveniles are also treated differently from adults.Persons who are under the age of14do not have criminal responsibility.
  Fig.4-6-2-1 shows the number of persons cleared for criminal offenses(felony and misdemeanor excluding traffic crimes)for juveniles,senior juveniles,and adults over the last ten years.

Fig.4-6-2-1  Trends in the number of persons cleared for criminal offenses for juveniles,senior juveniles,and adults(Germany)

  Table4-6-2-2 shows the number of persons cleared and the population ratio over the last ten years for criminal offenses and the designated five types of crime for juveniles,senior juveniles,and adults.

Table4-6-2-2  Number of persons cleared and population ratio for criminal offenses/designated five types of crime for juveniles/adults(Germany)