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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter3/Section3 

Section3 Points for Consideration in the Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents

  Juvenile delinquency is often caused not only by delinquents'own problems but by multiple factors including problems of their families,friends,schools,and local communities.In the Survey of Juvenile Delinquents and the Survey of Guardians,both juvenile delinquents and their guardians chose juveniles'own problems as the top cause of delinquency,friend problems as the second place and family problems as the third place.In contrast,juvenile training school instructors pointed out that the problems in delinquents'attributes are the top cause that has made their treatment even more difficult,and that the second major cause is the problems in parents'ability for leadership and family relationships.
  Based on the survey results,we will compile the points to be fully considered in the treatment of juvenile delinquents,focusing on problems in delinquents'attributes,interpersonal relationships including friendship,and family relationships.