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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter3/Section2/2 

2 Problems in juveniles'attributes and normative consciousness,etc.

  Fig.4-3-2-4 shows the answers of juvenile training school instructors to the question,"What do you think are the problems in attributes that have become even more serious in the treatment of recent juvenile delinquents?"They are aware that recent juvenile delinquents have problems especially in sympathy toward others and the ability to control emotions,and find difficulties in treatment in these aspects.

Fig.4-3-2-4  Problems in recent juvenile delinquents'attributes(Survey of Juvenile Training School Instructors)

  Fig.4-3-2-5 shows the answers of juvenile training school instructors to the question,"What do you think are the problems in normative consciousness that have become even more serious in the treatment of recent juvenile delinquents?"
  Juvenile training school instructors seem to consider that recent delinquents are apt to make an easy decision according to their temporary feelings and emotions and make light of normative consciousness rather than that they cannot distinguish between good and bad.

Fig.4-3-2-5  Problems in recent juvenile delinquents'normative consciousness(Survey of Juvenile Training School Instructors)

  Fig.4-3-2-6 shows the answers of juvenile training school instructors to the question,"What do you think are the problems in relationship with friends that have become even more serious in the treatment of recent juvenile delinquents?"
  Juvenile training school instructors seem to consider that recent delinquents lack in the ability to build sound interpersonal relationships based on trust and are apt to act just following peers around them.

Fig.4-3-2-6  Problems in recent juvenile delinquents'relationship with friends(Survey of Juvenile Training School Instructors)

  Fig.4-3-2-7 shows the answers of juvenile training school instructors to the question,"What do you think are the problems in relationships with schools,workplaces,and local communities that have become even more serious in the treatment of recent juvenile delinquents?"
  Juvenile training school instructors seem to consider that recent delinquents'uncertainty of future goals is a significant problem for their reintegration into society.

Fig.4-3-2-7  Problems in recent juvenile delinquents'relationship with societies(Survey of Juvenile Training School Instructors)