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 White paper on crime 2005 Part2/Chapter4/Section2/1 

Section2 Imprisonment in Penal Institutions

1 Occupancy rate of capacity of penal institutions

  As of December31,2004,the imprisonment capacity of penal institutions was72,182including55,220for sentenced inmates,and the actual number of imprisoned inmates was76,413including64,931sentenced inmates.
  Fig.2-4-2-1 shows the trends in the rate of imprisonment(the rate of imprisoned inmates against imprisonment capacity;hereinafter the same in this Section)over the last20years.

Fig.2-4-2-1  Trends in the rate of imprisonment of penal institutions(As of December31in each year in1985-2004)

  As of December31,2004,the rate of imprisonment was105.9%for all inmates(up by0.1points from the previous year)and86.5%of overall penal institutions accommodate inmates exceeding their capacity.The rate of imprisonment for sentenced inmates was117.6%(up by1.0points)(Source:The Correction Bureau,Ministry of Justice).