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 White paper on crime 2005 Part1/Chapter3/Section1/2 

2 Unsafe driving resulting in death or injury and professional negligence in traffic accidents

  Fig.1-3-1-2 shows the number of persons cleared for unsafe driving resulting in death or injury and for professional negligence in traffic accidents over the last10years.
  The number of persons cleared for unsafe driving resulting in death was38(down by46.5%from the previous year),that for professional negligence resulting in death was6,333(down by3.2%(id.)),and that for gross negligence resulting in death was47(down by37.3%)in2004.

Fig.1-3-1-2  Number of persons cleared for unsafe driving resulting in death or injury and for professional negligence in traffic accidents(1995-2004)

  Fig.1-3-1-3 shows the number of crimes and clearance rate for"hit-and-run accidents(the intentional failure to declare accidents due to professional negligence in traffic,etc.)"over the last10years.

Fig.1-3-1-3  Number of crimes and the clearance rate for hit-and-run accidents(1995-2004)