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 White paper on crime 2002 Part 3/Chap.3/Sec.2/(1) 

(1) Current status relating to fear of crime

   Fig. 3-3-2-1 shows an international comparison on the "Fear of Walking Alone in the Area of residence after dark." More than 60% of respondents of all 12 countries including Japan gave answers indicating a feeling of safety. On the other hand, answers "very unsafe" or "bit unsafe" were found most commonly in Poland, followed by Australia and Portugal. Fig. 3-3-2-2 shows the comparison on "Fear of Being at Home Alone after dark." In Japan, though about 90% of the respondents answered that they felt safe, only about 24% answered that they felt "very safe", the percentage being the lowest of the 11 countries. Fig. 3-3-2-3 shows the comparison on "Fear of Someone's Breaking into Home." More than 50% of the respondents in Japan answered that it was "not likely" that someone would break into their home. However, many respondents answered that it was "very likely" or "likely". Regarding the number of these answers, Japan ranked fourth below Portugal, France, and Australia, in that order.

Fig. 3-3-2-1 Fear of walking alone in the area of residence after dark (by country)

Fig. 3-3-2-2 Fear of being at home alone after dark (by country)

Fig. 3-3-2-3 Fear of someone breaking into home (by country)