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 White paper on crime 2000 Part5/Chap.1/Sec.1/3 

3 Comparison with1989survey

  This Subsection compares the result of the present survey with that of a similar survey conducted in1989by the Japan Urban Security Research Institute(hereinafter referred to as"the1989survey").
  Fig. V-3 compares the victimization rate for the last five years between the present survey and the1989survey. With the exception of car theft and sexual assault, the victimization rate in the present survey is more than twice as high as in the1989survey for all offenses, in terms of both household and individual damage.

Fig. V-3 Chronological Comparison of Victimization Rate by Offense(Last5Years)

  Fig. V-4 compares the victimization rate for the most recent year between the current survey and the1989survey. The rate was slightly higher in the1989survey for car theft and assaults and threats and roughly the same for robbery and sexual assault. For all other offenses, the victimization rate was higher in the current survey.

Fig. V-4 Chronological Comparison of Victimization Rate, by Offense(Most Recent Year)