I. Sources

1. Original White Paper on Crime

This White Paper is a summary and translated version of an annual publication of the Ministry of Justice, Japan, the “White Paper on Crime” 2017 (original text is in Japanese). Translations in this Paper are tentative and are to be considered solely as reference. For more statistics and further details, refer to the original Japanese version.

2. Data Sources

Statistics, Tables, Figures and other information presented in the White Paper on Crime are mainly provided by the respective bureaus/departments of the Ministry of Justice. Statistics and data are also obtained from various research or surveys conducted by relevant agencies, as well as the following official statistics.

3. Others

4. Coverage of statistical materials

Data in this Paper are based on statistical materials available by the end of July 2017. Unless otherwise indicated, the most recent annual figure is of the year 2016. Any corrections made on the data offered or publicized by relevant agencies will be reflected in subsequent editions of this Paper if it deemed necessary.


I. Definitions of Offenses

Offense names in this White Paper are used in the following meanings or the definitions of the sources.

1. Penal Code Offenses

2. Driving Offenses

3. Special Acts Offenses

II. Definitions of terms

1. Police

2. Prosecution and Courts

3. Correction and Rehabilitation

4. Juvenile Cases

5. Others


I. Numbering of figures and tables

The numbering of figures and tables is indicated in the order of the Part, Chapter, and Section. For example, Fig. 2-4-1-3 indicates the third figure in Section 1 of Chapter 4 of Part 2. This English version of the White Paper on Crime 2017 does not necessarily correspond to the numbering of figures and tables of the original Japanese White Paper on Crime 2017.

II. Presentation of values, etc.

1. Presentations of Tables:

2. Presentations of Figures:

III. Calculation

The proportion and percentage, etc. are rounded off to the first decimal place. Therefore, the sum of the composition rates may not add up to 100.0.

The sum or difference of each proportion is calculated by first adding or subtracting values and then rounding off the resulting value. Thus, the value may not match the value calculated by first rounding off each value and then adding or subtracting the rounded off values.

For example, when calculating the difference between 12.76 and 7.53, first subtract 7.53 from 12.76 and then round off the value 5.23 to obtain the result of 5.2, rather than subtracting the rounded off value of 7.5 from the rounded off value of 12.8 (which yields 5.3.).

IV. Website

The whole content of this White Paper on Crime is available on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Japan.