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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter5/Section6/4 

4 Treatment for serious juvenile offenders

  At juvenile training schools,treatment has been implemented according to individualized treatment plans designed with consideration for the needs of individual juvenile offenders.Various measures have been combined for education from the victims'viewpoint and approaches to guardians.In cases accompanying difficulties in treatment,some juvenile offenders had significant problems in their attributes or difficulties in receiving support from their family.For these juvenile offenders,intensive treatment has been implemented according to their individual problems,including psychiatric treatment and adjustment of family relationships,etc.
  At juvenile penal institutions,as well as at juvenile training schools,treatment has been implemented for juvenile inmates according to individualized treatment plans.Terms treated at juvenile penal institutions were often longer than those at juvenile training schools,with treatment directly connected to work life after release,such as vocational training,etc.However,many of them had still been in institutions,and the analysis of treatment contents could be made only for the intermediate step.
  Probation offices started to coordinate with correctional facilities for resolving juveniles'problems while they were still being treated there,and to make environmental adjustment of their planned returning places by enhancing the guarantors'active will to accept juveniles and hear future plans for jobs,education,and living from the guarantors.
  At the stage of probationary supervision,the Classification Treatment System and the Categorized Treatment System were utilized based on special probationary or parole conditions that were defined according to individual problems.Furthermore,guidance and advice were provided based on the survey outcome of victims awareness etc.and victim awareness.