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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter5/Section1/1 

Section1 Present Situation of Serious Juvenile Offenders

1 Attribution of survey object person

  Fig.4-5-1-1 shows the number of survey object person by sex and type of offenses(at the time of being referred to a family court;hereinafter the same in this Chapter).
  The surveys covered278juveniles in total(256males and22females).By type of offense,injury resulting in death was most common for males(176),and homicide for females(15).

Fig.4-5-1-1  Number of survey object person by sex and type of offenses

  Fig.4-5-1-2 shows the number of survey object person by sex and age at the time of offenses.
  Survey object person include nine foreign nationals(accounting for3.2%of the total),four South and North Korean,three Chinese,and two Brazilians.

Fig.4-5-1-2  Number of survey object person by sex and age at the time of offenses