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 White paper on crime 2005 Part4/Chapter3/Section3/3 

3 Approaches to guardians to promote their voluntary responses

  The environment surrounding guardians'has also been changing rapidly,such as a decrease in the average number of family members,and an increase of double-income households.It is pointed out that an increasing number of guardians,who feel a lot of pressure without sufficient communication with their spouse and appropriate support from local communities,end up abusing their child,or are unable to properly cope with their child's problematic behavior.
  In the"Survey of Juvenile Delinquents,"juvenile delinquents'satisfaction level with family life was lower than that of general youths,showing that juvenile delinquents are apt to feel maladaptation in family life more frequently.In the"Survey of Guardians,"a high percentage of guardians considered that they persistently instructed their child about what to do in various situations but eventually let him/her have their own way.Also in the"Survey of Juvenile Training School Instructors,"a high percentage of respondents pointed out that there are guardians who"have no sense of responsibility towards their child's behavior,""let their child have their own way,"or"are indifferent to their child's behavior".More than80%of juvenile training school instructors considered that an increasing number of guardians of juvenile delinquents have problems with their ability for leadership.
  There were also gaps in awareness between fathers and mothers of juvenile delinquents.A higher percentage of fathers considered that the lack of interest in rearing children was a problem,while a higher percentage of mothers perceived disagreement in opinions between parents and excessive meddling as a problem.Fathers are apt to think optimistically about the future of their child and their parent-child relation,but a higher percentage of mothers felt a stalemate of guidance and a need of change on the parents'side.
  Conflicts between parents caused by these gaps in awareness may have deprived their family's emotional interaction.Parents shift responsibility of their child's delinquency to each other,and cannot take a consistently firm line on their child.Juveniles may also get confused and become emotionally unstable due to their parents'erratic attitudes,which may drive them to commit delinquency.
  In an approach to guardians to promote their voluntary responses to support juveniles'rehabilitation,the first step should be to make them aware of such differences in awareness between fathers and mothers.Then they need to cooperatively figure out what is necessary for their child's recovery.It is important to make both parents objectively reflect on their child-rearing and promote voluntary changes on the parents'side by letting them have opportunities to communicate emotions with their child.
  Juvenile training schools and probation offices have tried to enhance the adjustment of family relationships by holding guardians'meetings and group work for guardians.These approaches aim to make guardians aware of their responsibility to their child and the importance of changing their own attitudes to start to respond voluntarily to their child's delinquency.Guardians are required to accept their child properly and become aware of their responsibility as parents through such education and treatment.This is indispensable also for juvenile delinquents who would reconcile with their parents and set out on their own.
  Based on survey results,we have examined points to be fully considered in treatment according to problems in the aspects of attributes,interpersonal relationships,and family relationships of delinquents.Responding to various challenges caused by qualitative changes in juvenile delinquents and toughening the growing difficulty in treating them,related organizations have made efforts to enhance the contents of treatment and to build cooperative systems.
  Juvenile delinquents grow and become adults in families and local communities.For them to be successfully reintegrated into society,related organizations and groups including volunteer groups in communities need to cooperate with one another in providing them with various opportunities for activities and making more places where they can feel comfortable in society.Regarding relations with victims,as a first step,related organizations fully understand that rehabilitation of juveniles as perpetrators and support for victims are equally important,and they should further promote approaches to juveniles and support for victims by jointly asking for cooperation from people in local communities.
  We will concretely analyze and examine the contents of treatment of juvenile delinquents in the following Chapter.